Gaining Understanding of New Innovations with the Help of Diffusion Theory
In this fast-paced world, people are getting hold of innovations one after another as more and more people gain access to digital platforms. This fact is a proof on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations explains this very fact by categorizing the adopters into five groups : innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. This model explains why some leap onto these technologies quickly, while others, like myself, are more circumspect about doing so.
Why Social Media Caught On
The initial draw for social media was the obvious advantages it had over traditional channels of communication. To innovators and early adopters, the sites became a new way to connect with each other, share ideas, and find community. Rogers (2003) suggests that perceived benefits such as speed of information dissemination, networking opportunities, and even a place for social activism were integral in quickening the adoption rate. In addition, how well social media fit into the habits of communication already practiced put the early majority on board with apparent benefits. What is more, studies by Kaplan and Haenlein 2010 assert that the ease with which one can become a member - often all it takes is an email address - further facilitated this rapid spread of these networks.Why Some Remain Late or Non-Adopters
Even with such obvious advantages, not everyone rushes to adopt new technologies. The majority of late adopters or non-adopters like myself carefully weigh these pros and cons. Of even more concern, too, is data privacy and security-what effects it may have on the psyche of a person since one would always be online. This again brings out the question, what is my tangible gain for joining them, which when weighed against possible risks is just negligible? In any event, three potential downsides-algorithmic ghettos, information overload, and ideal virtual selves-encourage many to demur, or even to jettison the idea of adoption altogether. Anxiety reveals much about worth and a willingness to engage personally in assuming an element of risk. Acceptance remains apparently essentially a matter of personal determination.
Cost/Benefit Assessment
In weighing the decision to adopt any new communications technology, I will have to balance such benefits against detriments such as privacy impacts and impairments in mental health. For example, positive changes in being socially connected and career impact present a good place where adoption outweighs dangers; thus, considered the right choice to make. If, on the other hand, dangers appear to be more critical, then one has every reason to remain a late adopter or opt-out. Diffusion Theory provides a framework whereby social media may be considered a case study of the elaborate process of technological adoption. After all, a pathway of innovation to adoption is at least as much about human behavior and personal perceptions of risk as it is about technology itself.
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